Facebook Update:
Apparently, if you have put in a friend request and are waiting for approval from the other person/organization, once they approve you it is logged as activity to your account (even if it weeks later). So, my husband informs me that I have had activity on my facebook page even though I haven't seen hide or hare of it since Tuesday evening. Then, I had two people ask why/how I slipped up?! They thought I had gotten on my page b/c of the apparent activity that shows up...
Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say I am being framed! I really haven't gotten on my page.
Oh and I am going to make some dupioni (lined) pinch-pleat drapes for my living room and some cotton (lined) pinch-pleat ones for our keeping room. If you have any experience you want to share or any materials left over from a project like this you want to get rid of let me know. The only things I really need is the lining and some buckram. Oh and of course the actual fabric. The keeping room ones are kind of my trial run since that room is more casual than the living room.

I'm so impressed with your sewing abilities! Be sure to post pictures of the finished product. I would LOVE to learn how to make drapes and pillows. You can save so much money doing it yourself!
ok, i have to show my ignorance here. what is a keeping room?
Um, what the hell is a keeping room? And do I need drapes for mine? :)
A keeping room is what the architect called our informal den that is off the kitchen on all our house plans. Since we have a more formal room at the front of the house that we call the living room, we just started calling it the "keeping room". And no, you don't need drapes. I am just doing them as a test run before I ruin 30 yards of silk :)
See this site for the history behind keeping rooms: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-keeping-room.htm
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