Tomorrow is the big V-day. And because Kevin and I will spend most of the morning crammed in a car with a 2 year old and a 2 month old I want to take this opportunity to tell him (publicly) how much I love him.
You are my very best friend. Not only have you always listened to my problems, issues, crazy ideas and stories, but you have also been there to witness them. And for some reason (unknown to me) you continue to punish yourself by being there for more. Many people do not know that on our 3rd date I told you I was going to marry you. It was love at first sight for me in 2001 and although you should have run away fast, you didn't. You stayed and we are making a beautiful life together. I thank the dear, sweet Lord everyday for giving you to me. I love you more with every day that passes. I love the way you hold your baby boys as if they'll disappear if you look away. I love the sound of Moseley's voice when he is excited you are home from work. I love how Chambers smiles at you as if he knows the trouble you two will get in. I am thankful that you have such a good work ethic and you work so hard to provide for us. I am also thankful that you would rather be home and so hurry back to us when you can. I am thankful that you gave me such wonderful children to love and care for. Oh and by the way, thank you for taking over baby duty every Friday night so I can catch up on sleep or write sappy love notes to you like right now...
To my one and only, to my KELVIN, I love you so much.
Love, Jessica
Some pictures of one of the happiest days of my life - our wedding.
Cutting the Cake: Kevin then proceeded to serve the cake to all our guests b/c he didn't know that someone else was coming to do it. Funny guy!

We had a cocktail after party for our friends the night after our wedding. We had a daytime wedding so it worked..
The after party: the girls taking all of my hair down: I had a LOT of hair!

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