Saturday morning Kevin, the boys and I headed to Target to grab a new heater for Chambers' Room as well as some new big boy underwear for Moseley (Thomas theme, of course).
As a side note: When Moseley woke up that morning we put some regular boys underwear on him and left the house. He didn't have one accident all day long! We let him sleep in a diaper even though a lot of times he wakes up dry. We just aren't ready for that!
When we got home from our very fun trip to Target, Nonna and Pop were in the driveway (they were staying until Sunday) and Moseley freaked out in excitement. Nonna and Moseley went outside and played very hard. At lunchtime, some friends of ours, Stephen and Agya, came over and brought some delicious Jambalaya and Gumbo from Seafood Joe's. Kevin's parents had brought some Whitt's barbecue so we had a feast of food for lunch.
The Ross Bridge Nail Spa had it's grand opening this week so some neighborhood friends and I had made appointments awhile back to get pedicures at 2p. Brooke walked up to get me and we walked over to the Nail Spa to meet Jeannie. It was heavenly. The place is brand new and so clean and the pedi itself was wonderful. They even paraffin-ed our feet! Afterwards I met Kevin, Stephen and Agya at The Sweet Stop at Ross Bridge for some ice cream. Nonna and Pop were watching the boys back at home.
After Kevin and I got home, Kevin went to take a nap (he has baby duty every Friday night). The boys were sleeping so Nonna and Pop kept me company while I cut out some patterns for Moseley's "Spring/Summer Wardrobe."
Another side note: I needed some cute play clothes for Moseley but just couldn't find what I wanted. I still put him in bubbles and John-Johns when he isn't at school (he just turned two!) but that isn't very conducive to using the potty by yourself. So I decided to just make his spring/summer clothes. As soon as I get the shorts finished I will post pictures...
My three boys all woke up from their naps just in time for us to go eat at the Brightstar in Bessemer. Although we haven't gone in a few months, it's a tradition for us to go eat at the Brightstar with Kevin's parents. It was fun and the food was good but Moseley was acting funny. Halfway through dinner he says, "I want my lovey and go night-night." Since he had just woken up a few hours before we weren't sure if he was just bored or really tired. But he kept laying his head down on the table and saying he wanted to go to bed.
Once we were done eating we loaded up the cars (we had to take two) and Nonna, Chambers, Moseley and I were in my Volvo. As we are driving down Shannon Road (which has few houses on the end by Hwy 150) I mentioned to Nonna that I was driving really slow b/c I am always afraid deer will run out in front of me. She said that it was likely and I proceeded at a turtle's pace (25-30 or so). Then, 2 large deer come bounding out in front of us and cross the road. I missed them and slowed down but then pointed them out to Moseley b/c he loves animals. Then a third even larger deer darts in front of us and I had to slam down hard on my brakes to avoid hitting him. I had a mild heart attack and then the phone rang. Kevin was driving behind us, saw the whole thing, and knew I would be shaken so was calling to check on me. Needless to say I drove at a snails pace the rest of the way home.
When we finally pulled into the driveway we were still talking about the deer incident. I turned around and unbuckled Moseley's car-seat belts b/c he climbs out himself now and he vomits. Then, he vomits again. By the third time I had my hands held out to catch the cascading vomit. Moseley was so upset and scared but after we got him cleaned off and upstairs he had calmed down. He wanted to go to sleep immediately so we let him.
Moseley never threw up again but this morning woke up burning up hot with a high fever. It was easily controlled with Tylenol but then he had some "other-end" issues to deal with. I don't think he's ever dealt with that and you could tell he was uncomfortable. Especially since he wasn't sure why he wasn't making it to the bathroom in time to potty. We just encouraged him to keep going potty and he only had a couple of accidents all day and only one of them was tee-tee (that was early this morning when he felt his worst).
Update: I think his fever has broken so hopefully we are on the mend...

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