As a breast-feeding mom I have everything I need to sustain my baby's life on me at all times. But, I am also a mom to a 2-yr old so I can't always be there as quickly as I want. Below is a new mother's ode to the products that make her life easier!
1) Itzbeen Baby timer - helps me remember how long it has been since the last feeding/diaper change/meds, etc. Also, during the day I wake Chambers to eat every two hours with the exception of his afternoon nap. This amazing timer has an alarm function you can set to blink or beep. Why wake a sleeping baby? Because he sleeps 9-10 hours at night and I am so afraid he isn't going to get the nutrients he needs...

2) Medela Pump In Style - The Metro Bag - I bought this when I had Moseley and it is still going strong. I love this thing and already have a freezer-ful of milk!

3) Dr. Browns Bottles - these are great for those Friday nights when Kevin takes over baby duty. Even though Chambers sleeps 9-10 hours, Kevin lets me sleep in on Saturdays!

That Itzabeen is so nice! With Hannah we did the old fashioned write EVERYTHING down. I actually had a journal for it all. I considered buying a pump last time but I just rented (good thing b/c I dried up after 3 months), but I think next time I might buy one!
I bought this pump b/c it has the bag and stuff so you can tote it around with you (which I do) I can't tell you how many times I have pumped on I-65! I wrote everything down for Moseley too but this time my brain wasn't functioning at top speed and I knew I'd forget. I stlll do... I don't think I knew you dried up? Well you got 3 months out of the gals though - that's longer than a lot of people go. The 2nd time you make more and faster...
I've gotta get that timer!! I started keeping a notebook and writing down every little detail of Rose's daily events! But recently, I gave up the notebook and as a result, I've had a hard time remembering things. Can you buy it at Babies R Us? I need one!
I'm 2 for 3 on you products!
When I scaled back my pumping (after 5 months of full-time pumping - wow!), I returned my Medela Symphony rental pump (which was FABULOUS) and bought the MetroLite pump. I love it! It wouldn't have been enough when Becca was hospitalized, but it has been perfect for the past several months. I am finally packing it up, though! We've got enough milk in the freezer to last Becca several more months, so I'm done!
After her fancy-schmancy, available on at the hospital bottles tore up (the Medela Haberman Mini Special Needs Feeder), we tried several bottles before we found one she could work with - the Dr. Brown's ones. They were also the ones that her nurses recommended. I love them! She had a severe suck-swallow incoordination and (of course) a tiny little mouth, so she was very picky about her bottles (and was never able to actually breastfeed). They also help with her reflux and gas. I've heard other preemie moms have graduated their tiny ones to Dr. Brown's as well.
Since you haves such good taste, it sounds like I'm going to have to try the Itzbeen, too - at least for the next one. (Right now, we use the dry erase board to keep track of Becca's feedings and medications.)
Jess please have Kevin give Kirk a call to tell him all about this Friday night takeover and Saturday morning sleep in deal. I love the sound of that!!
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