Every 2.5 hours, except the 10 hours at night he's sleeping and the 3 hour afternoon nap, I sit down with one of my favorite boys for a 10 - 15 minute meal. That's when I get on my computer. That's usually when I facebook. But I just HAD to go and give that up. So now, instead of reveling in the stupidity and misfortune of people I know, I read about people I don't. Enter Cake Wrecks. While I spend my nights poring through creative Do's, I spend my days laughing at creative Don'ts. Look through some of the past entries and tell me what your favorite disasters are. Oh and on Sundays they show "non-wrecks" which are super fun especially since lately they are 80's themed!
p.s. None of my f/b friends are stupid or suffer misfortunes and if they did they certainly wouldn't display them for all to see on facebook, right?... obviously.

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