Saturday morning (Feb 14th) Kevin, the boys, and I headed to Mobile to celebrate Mardi Gras. We went this weekend because the MOMs parade was Saturday night and it is usually a great parade b/c they throw lots of child friendly items (toys, cups, candy - no panties :) We got to Mobile at 3pm (via the gorgeous backroads of Alabama) and got ready to go downtown. We always go to the Athelstan Club to eat dinner and stand during the parade because they have several balconies and a stand on the parade route - you can't beat the view! We decided to stand on the 2nd floor balcony because we weren't sure how Moseley would respond. This is not his first Mardi Gras but you never know how a 2-yr old will react. He was wary at first but then completely broke free. By the end of the first parade (there were 2 in a row) he was yelling and waving his arms around. It was too fun. Chambers mellowed out the whole time in his car seat except when people would stop to talk to him.

This was also Valentine's day so when we got to Mobile Kevin gave me a dozen of the prettiest white roses. He also bought me a pair of cool Thai earrings and a Vera Bradley ballpoint pen to match my new Vera Bradley Diaper bag. It was so thoughtful! Since we didn't have time to have alone time on Saturday we had a classy meal at the Waffle House Sunday morning CHILD-FREE. My momma watched the boys while we indulged in some greasy breakfast food.
Watching the policemen on motorcycles do donuts in the street.
Moseley too enthralled by the festivities to look at the camera
Moseley and Kevin and the Athelstan Stands below us (the lit up crown). That's where we will stand next time since Mose loved it so much.

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