The word “Lent” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lencten, or spring, the time of year when the days begin to lengthen. Lent itself is always the same period of time, but its starting date is tied to the movable feast of Easter and can be as early as February 4 or as late as March 10.
Lent is one of the most important seasons of the church year because it is a time of penitence, an introspective period during which we take stock of our lives and our relationships to discover and change what we must to prepare for Easter and experience the spiritual renewal that comes when we engage in this type of “making right” activity. So, during Lent we each follow the example ofJesus by sacrificing our own will to the purpose of God.
Starting on Ash Wednesday, the Lenten season includes 40 weekdays and five Sundays before Holy Week and the culminating triumph of the Resurrection at Easter. Lent has two major focuses:
The first is on baptism, which in the early church occurred only at Easter. The Sunday readings provide a short course on the meaning of baptism.
The second Lenten theme—one with which most of us are now more familiar—is that of fasting and renunciation. This theme recalls Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, and through them the discipline of self-denial reflecting the sacrifice of our will to the purpose of God.
Tuesday, February 24, is the final day before the Lenten fast. This day is variously recalled in the celebration of Carnival (“farewell to meat”) which concluded on “Fat Tuesday” or Mardi Gras, and in Shrove Tuesday’s pancakes (consuming the eggs, milk and fat not allowed during the fasting of Lent). “Shrove” Tuesday refers to the ancient practice of being “shriven” (confessing and receiving absolution) in order to begin and keep a holy Lent.

Just for the record, you CAN eat chocolate while nursing. I researched it and talked to our specialists. Clearly, I needed the chocolate to get through the NICU stress. Just stay away from the massive amounts of caffeine in Starbucks coffee! (Also, but much less important to me, my lactation consultant actually suggested having a small glass of wine if it would help me relax. One of the reasons NICU moms have trouble keeping their supply up (in addition to the whole baby not nursing thing) is the constant stress. So there you go.)
Thanks for the Lent mini-lesson! I love educated lay people. Makes my job so much easier. :)
You, my friend, are a far better Christian than me! No chocolate or wine....it's seems you've already given up plenty!! I'll miss you on FB. See you on Easter Sunday ;)
Haha, Nancy, I meant I can't eat Chocolate. It makes Chambers nuts. I tried everything else but it was the Chocolate that did it. I don't know if it's the caffeine or what. I am hoping that once his system matures I can try again.
And Katie... I will see you this Saturday! After that, You better still find ways to communicate with me!
I'm shocked to hear that you aren't eating chocolate...I can't STOP eating chocolate!! I don't know why, but I am craving it 24/7.
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