1) Bob Revolution Duallie - This thing pushes itself!

3) Kiddopatamus SwaddleMe - Chambers goes to sleep immediately when he is swaddled in this. It's his signal to sleep.

4) WubbaNub - We love this pacifier b/c it helps keep the paci in Chambers' mouth especially when he is in motion (i.e., swing). Thanks Katie for giving this to us!!

Um, you are starting to scare me with your recommendations. I think you are spying on us. I don't have the double stroller - don't need it yet - but everything else, we've got!
Love the sling, though Becca prefers the Baby Bjorn. I think this one is more comfortable.
Kiddopotamus - Becca is 5 months past her due date (8 months actual) and still refuses to sleep unless she is in it. We even have the green fleece one pictured. Really, really couldn't live without it. With it, she's liable to sleep 11 hours at night. Without it, 15 minutes.
WUBBANUBS! The NICU nurses turned us on to this one, probably because they were sick of always having to pop Becca's paci back in (you know, while they also had to regularly save other babies' lives and all ;) ). We have 5 of them, and always have at least one of them in arm's reach. Becca has now learned (finally) to pop it back in herself, and she loves to hold on to their arms - too stinking' cute.
You have good taste, my friend!
And, just for the record, I generally try to match the Wubbanub to her outfit. She's that stylin'.
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