Ross Bridge had their annual Lighting of the Green last night and Moseley and I couldn't miss it. We got there right at 6p and it was already packed. We had some sweets and Hot Chocolate in the heated food tent then headed over to the stage to watch Deer Valley Elementary Choir and the Elftones perform. Moseley was in a trance as they sang and danced across the stage. After every act he clapped and said "Yay" very loudly followed by an "Again!" It was so cute. He loved it. Then we went inside to get our picture taken with Santa Claus. Daddy showed up at this point to see Moseley with Santa. All during our wait in line we talked about Santa and he seemed so excited. The second we sat him on his lap though he screamed bloody murder for us. It was so sad and yet so hilarious. Definitely a rite of passage. We had them take a pic anyway- b/c it was free and too funny.
Moseley screaming for Momma! Dada!

Our front door decorated for the holidays.

A little closer look at the Rosemary (which I love) Kevin picked out

Close-up of my favorite thing, my gorgeous wreath. My aunt Ellen made this for me. I saw the one she made my mom and I had to have one of my own.

Moseley's gorgeous stocking that Victoria handmade him when he was born. Over 400 hours of work went into this intricately large needlepoint stocking. It is truly amazing. We almost didn't put ours up (the polka dot ones in the mantle pic below) b/c they look so sad next to his!

Our mantle. Normally the poinsettia's go outside but when it's too cold we bring them in to adorn the fireplace.

Our tree.

Banister to the 2nd floor

Moseley's little tree that my grandmom bought at a craft sale. He adores this tree and asks for it to be turned on every morning when he wakes up.

Our Chandelier with ornaments hanging from it

Our antique bubble lights in a champagne bucket - Kevin's grand idea.

Buffet in the Dining Room

Closeup of my favorite decoration - my MEK nativity

And as a bonus...
Moseley bundled up for a cold school day