Most of us know there are only 3 jobs available to elves...
- making shoes for a cobbler
- baking cookies inside of trees
- working in Santa's workshop
In these times of economic hardship, Santa has had to cut back and lay off a couple of elves. Luckily, Keebler has been hiring so no one was out of a job for long. But, we parents have had to pick up some of the slack to help the big guy out. So, Aunt Ellen went ahead and sent up a few wrapped gifts this past weekend. Kevin and I also went ahead and had Santa deliver some of Moseley's presents early so we could get them wrapped before Sweet Pea arrives.We also have our tree up and decorated. Pictures are coming to illustrate soon!
It's kind of a holiday tradition in my family that we all stay together Christmas Eve night. Me, Kevin, Staples, Nancy, my momma, Ellen, Jimbo, and Bancroft. This all got started of course when we were tiny and Nancy and Kevin weren't in the picture yet. We also had my grandmom, Mary Buff, there and we stayed at our family's house at the head of Monterey Street. A couple of times in recent years it didn't work out but last year it did and it was wonderful! So, this year, it worked out again! Here are the VIPs in our lives that will be here for Christmas.
1) Kevin
2) Jessica
3) Moseley
4) Sweet Pea
5) Kim
6) Janice
7) Randy
8) John
9) Aunt Ellen
10) Uncle Jimbo
11) Bancroft
And for an abbreviated baby visit, Staples and Nancy. Sound stressful? No way! I am ecstatic! I will love the chaos and knowing that I have tons of people to love on both Kevin and Moseley will make the new baby transition that much better.

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