Here's what happens. I pull into the Publix parking lot and see a car full of old (I am talking 80+) ladies hanging out in the "Stork Parking" spot. It clearly says on the sign, "for expecting or new moms." Sorry honey, you don't count. You are not of ovulating age. Worse yet were the last two times they were old men who parked there, one who had the gall to cut me off for the spot.
I am so sad you are old and probably don't want to walk too far but I don't park in the handicap spots EVER because it doesn't apply to me! I have a very small window in my life where I need and get clearance for special parking - I SHOULD GET TO USE IT!
I now have braxton-hicks contractions anytime I even think of exerting myself - so a walk through a football size field parking lot is not high on my "to do" list. Unfortunately, not eating isn't an option either so I HAVE to go to the store.
GET OUT OF MY SPOT OR I WILL FUSS AT YOU GRANDMA STYLE ( I did at the 3 bewildered old ladies today. Satisfaction is mine!)

AMEN!!!!!!! To bad we don't have any stork parking here, but I dealt with the same thing when I had Jimmy up there. My favorite is men parking there, I would just give them dirty looks!
Fiesty mama!!! Wish I could have seen that play out!!! Crazy girl.
Ha ha... I have to admit I have been known to park in the expectant moms spots at Babies 'R Us, which is probably worse because you know there are preggies there! But, their parking lot sucks. And, why don't we have stork spots at our Publix?
Michelle! I would have to scold you! :) I didn't even start parking in the preggo spots until I was far enough along to break a sweat walking... ha!
I go to the Publix on Greenspring specifically for the Stork Parking. The one in Hoover (which is the same distance away) doesn't have it either.
Crack that whip!!
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