Chambers is now sleeping for 4-hour stretches at night which is fantastic for us. I am solely breastfeeding so I don't get much of a break unless he sleeps. We wake him up during the day every 2 hours to eat but let him sleep at night. I am also pumping extra breastmilk so I have some extra to give him at night. He had his 1-week check-up today and he is up to 8lbs 3oz which is really close to his birthweight. Kevin is at home on paternity leave for another week - not sure how I will handle both children when he isn't here. My momma is here also and Kevin's parents were here last week and are coming back Wednesday so that has been huge. I don't know how people do it without help from family!
Itty bitty baby!

Cute paci clip from Aunt Nancy Pants

Booties my cousin Jan sent Chambers. The only thing that will stay on Chambers skinny ankles.

First time with a Paci = heaven

Nancy showing Staples how to diaper a wriggly two year old (Moseley)

Chambers dressed for the cold in his new knitted sweater and hat from Beth Snyder

Cute little boy, can't wait to see him in person!! What kind of paci is that? We've not found one that Ian will take but I don't think I've tried that particular kind. We've tried NUK, playtex, and avent and all a no go.
weird - my babies like to use me as a paci and this time I said "no way." I had to "triple feed" Chambers to get him back to birthweight so was pumping and giving him my extra breastmilk in a bottle anyways. Now I have to pump b/c I am engorged if I don't. Anywho, the hospital gave us that paci, it's called a "soothie" and is apparently a good one. Chambers doesn't take it very often... yet but seems to like it when he does.
He is so sweet! I just love all his home made clothing, so cute! Give your boys some loving from us! Tell all your family hello too!
Chambers is too cute! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Precious photos! Love the knitted things-- the booties are darling! Merry Christmas!
He is so sweet. I'm sorry we haven't made it by yet. Christmas was a little busier than I thought it would be. I still want to come see him soon, so I will try to call you this week. Also, you can buy those pacis at Whole Foods if your friend wants to try them!
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