We have had lots of fun visitors so far. Chambers is very loved. My daddy and Victoria came yesterday as did Kevin's parents and Kevin's brother, John. Kevin's parents are actually on Moseley duty until we get settled back at home - that way Moseley is paid some attention to. My brother Staples drove in from Augusta which was awesome for us and for Moseley!
I am still in awe of baby Chambers. He is so perfect and yet a completely different child from Moseley. He looks different (dark hair, pale skin, smaller frame) whereas Moseley had/has olive skin, light hair, and a fuller frame. He also acts different. For one thing, he's not quite as hungry as Moseley was those first days. I have to wake him up to feed him and Moseley let me know he was hungry every hour! I hope that by the time Chambers is starving my milk will have come in. So far breastfeeding has been just as great an experience as with Moseley. I was worried I wouldn't be able to make it a year like I did with Moseley but those fears are long gone.
Moseley has been to visit several times each for a substantial length. Yesterday and today Moseley told Chambers "I love you brother" and "I love you Chamboo." He also gave him a hug and kiss on several occasions which I am taking to be a great sign. I am sure when it just the three of us and Chambers is winning my attention things won't be so rosy but for now he seems to think Chambers is a great addition.
With them being so different (so far, hehe) I am hoping that Moseley never feels as if Chambers is a replacement for him. We love them both so much and are so thankful for our baby boys!

Chamboo...I love it! What a sweet big brother. Chamboo is one lucky baby!
Jessica the baby is beautiful! Congrats to you and Kevin. What an awesome Christmas gift. Love, Cousin MEK
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