Kevin is has to work this weekend but took a break long enough to go on a family walk (to the Sweet Stop) and then go to Bruno's to get some groceries and a few movies from the DVD machine.
Kevin was really excited once we got into the store saying he had the BEST idea for something we could buy. I had no idea what he had up his sleeve but assumed it was popcorn or something movie-related. Little did I know...
He drags me to this aisle of enormous canned goods and picks up a very large can of Ricos concession stand cheese. The LARGEST can of anything I have ever seen! Almost 7 lbs of nasty yellow nacho cheese!! He was so excited and very pleased with what a great deal the can was at $9.99. In all fairness he gets nachos at the movie theatre so I can see where the connection is. However, he said he almost got the cheese the day before but didn't so my sympathy ends there.
*By the way, the 2 movies we watched were Quarantine (horror) and Pineapple Express (comedy). I thought Quarantine was sooooo scary so we stayed up and watched Pineapple Express so I wouldn't have to go to bed with a scary movie on my mind.
**I have to admit I have a "thing" for Velveeta cheese which isn't much more nutritious than this stuff... but still!

I am so with Kevin!!! YUMMM! Growing up my mom use to by tubs of nacho cheese like that at Sams during the summer. My brother, sister and I still have a thing for Nachos! I would love some right now!
But Jess, it's GOURMET!
Gourmet my...bleeep!%%&%$
After setting up the concession stand for UMS football games I can NEVER eat nacho cheese again!
I love it!!! I left Aaron with a couple cans of Beeferoni that were on sale for $.89 at Publix this week, a few beers and some canned corn! Guys require so much less than we women do! :)
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