Our little Moseley is quite a character. He is the most outgoing, people-loving little guy I have ever met (aside from my brother, Staples). He will talk to absolutely ANYONE. When we go to the grocery store, he yells across the produce aisles to all the shoppers, "Hey, hey, hey!" Last week he offered a fellow shopper some of our 'nomes' which is Moseley code for 'Banana.' They weren't actually Banana's - they were squash. It's funny to watch people's reaction to his friendliness.
The point: Moseley goes to 'school' a few days a week for a couple hours. When I drop him off he runs in and barely says 'bye.' When I go to pick him up he just keeps on playing. I am glad that he doesn't hate school or cry when I leave him there.
Anxiously waiting to go to school

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