Saturday, August 30, 2008

Worker Bees

We spent all day unpacking our abode. Needles to say we LOVE it here already. The ice cream man came by and Moseley and I got a Popsicle (for me of course).

After just one day everything is out of the 4 rental trucks we rented. 2 of them have gone back, one gets picked up in the morning. Kevin will return the last tomorrow.

All our furniture is unpacked and placed. Next we focus on unpacking the rest of the clothes, bric-a-brac, etc. It will def take a few more days but I am so thankful for the help we have. My brother, Kevin's parents and my mom have worked very very hard to get us settled. The best part... they are staying until Monday!



Katie said...

Yay! So the kids and I will be there to visit Tues. morning ;)
Sounds like you are more unpacked than we are...

Jessica said...

I wish you'd come!!

We have to organize our master closet and then put up pics but other than that we are as far as we can be right now. I will call you tomorrow and tell you juicy details of the move and I want to hear yours!

Um and who cares if Andy is 30 - I want house pics!!

Libba said...

As hard as it is living in clutter and disorganization, it is SO much fun to unpack and find places for all of your fun stuff! I can't wait to see your new house....definitely for Moseley's birthday party!

Jamie said...

Hi Jess! I would love to see some pics of your awesome new house when you get a minute (which I know if very few and far between!!!) See you soon.

Me on Metatrophin said...

So glad your move is going well. I surely do wish my house would sell! I plan to see you in Huntsvegas in 2 weeks!