Our car stats b4 the new car:
1998 White Jeep Cherokee with 168,000 miles (mine)
1991 Red Jeep Cherokee with 230,000 miles (Kev's)
So you see we were in need of a new car. You might think we traded in the Red Jeep... but we didn't. Why? Because I affectionately call my Jeep "Christine" b/c it tried on numerous occasions to kill me! The latest incident occurred last Tuesday when the car continued to accelerate regardless of how hard I pressed the brake.
So, we had been looking for a new car for awhile and my dream car is a Volvo V70 station wagon... so Kevin sweetly accommodated :) Since we always take the "family car" on trips it made more sense for me to get a new car that will accommodate 2 children and 2 adults. I promise the next new car will be for him!
From the front - I couldn't get a side shot from the garage b/c it's too long...
Front seat interior
Roomy back seat - which is now the home of Moseley's monster carseat :)
Cargo space!

Love it, Jess! Volvos rock!! :)
So beautiful and so safe! I love it and can't wait to go for a ride in a week and a half! Love, M.
Nice! Quite a step up! ;-)
Has Moseley broken it in yet?
Oh yes, he had crackers in it the other day :( I immediately whipped out the dustbuster! We'll see how long that lasts...
My mom is faithful to the Volvo! You will enjoy that for sure!!
I heart Volvo's! Yay too for 2 car garages! I can't wait to move and have a garage again. This parking lot business in the apt. is no fun!!!
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