When I was pregnant with Moseley it was no big deal. I was a tad tired the first few weeks and then I was fine. 2 weeks before his arrival I was tired again. This time b/c of the incessant braxton hicks contractions I had during my REM cycle. Other than that, no biggie. My c-section even went famously. I even worked until the day before I had him.
On to this pregnancy... Sweet Pea (aka baby #2) is kicking my butt (and Kevin's too I must say).
1) I have been sleeping more than I have been awake. Poor Moseley gets upset when he sees me grab the throw blanket in the den b/c he knows I am about to lay down and "rest my eyes for a bit."
2) I have been sick since day one. I have meds for my sickness but they make me tired so I try not to take them.
3) I have anti-cravings like you wouldn't believe. What is that you ask? It's when you make a meal you think you will like and then all of a sudden it's repulsive. Then you move on to another meal hoping this one will be the winner. I drove all over the city of Montgomery trying to find an open Guthrie's. I couldn't figure out anything I wanted more...
So, I am mid-way through week 11 and I am counting on this to stop on Sunday (week 12 right?). Wishful thinking? Probably :) But regardless I am hopeful that soon I will get my second wind.
So what does this mean? This baby will probably be a little sassy compared to "go-with-the-flow-and-lovin-life-Moseley." This baby will probably hate MDO unlike Mose who never wants to leave school. This baby will probably NEVER sleep unlike Moseley who still takes 4 hrs worth of naps and sleeps 13 hours at night. I am spoiled with Moseley. Every day I realize it more. I am terrified of what little Sweet Pea will bring. I am also excited and looking forward to tackling a new type of parenting. The same ol same ol is boring, right?

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