You might know by now we aren't finding out/telling the sex of our baby until he/she is born. You might also know I am a planner (OCD at times) and must have all my ducks in a row just in case... ('s a girl). Obviously, if it's a boy we are set. He will use the same bedding as Moseley with a new monogram (below: Harrison by Serena and Lily). And he will be the best dressed boy on the block!

If it's a girl however we will get new bedding and hide it just in case. This is bedding I think... presenting... Harper by Serena and Lily

Stroller/Crib Blanket
Changing Pad and Cover

Boudoir Pillow

I love the Harper bedding - but if it's a girl, would you consider making her bedding yourself? You could easily do it and it would become an heirloom!
(Although, this might be hard since you won't know if it's a girl until you are on the operating table. And, when you are off the table, you might not necessarily feel like sewing. More power to you guys for not finding out - I couldn't do it!)
This makes me want to come visit you before baby comes and sneak around your house to find the bedding!! I hate waiting!!!
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