1) My favorite smells are crayons, play-doh and gasoline (I swear I don't huff, just like the way the gas smells when I am filling up at the pump - which is down to $2.83 here!)
2) I drink pickle juice out of the jar and eat Red Wine Vinegar with a spoon.
3) I love to/have to sleep. Last Saturday I took 3 naps in one day and I got a full nights rest before and after. This isn't a pregnancy phenomenon either; my mom, brother and I all have a history of low hematocrit % so we are pretty "nappy" people.
4) I hate surprises. I like to buy my own gifts and/or open my gift early and I would LOVE TO KNOW WHAT GENDER MY BABY IS!!
5) The song Ava Maria makes me cry. Have you heard the Jewel version? It's on her Christmas CD which also makes me cry.
6) I wish someone would potty train my son for me.
7) I love, love, love a good Shirley Temple.

I beg your pardon! You can be hematocrit all day long, but don't drag me into that imbroglio! M.
I like the smell of gas too!
Why don't you know the sex of your baby?
Momma - Har har.
Jennifer - I told my husband we didn't have to find out. So we didn't. I only have 7 weeks left so hopefully it will go by quickly :)
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