I took his temperature and he didn't have one so I didn't give him any medicine. I also let him go to MDO ysterday since their policy is "no temperature." Plus, he doesn't seem to feel bad. He did fine but when he got home from MDO he wouldn't nap b/c he was getting backed up when laying down. So I did what every momma would, I held him and he went to sleep. It was so sweet, I hadn't held him sleeping for months. He only slept for a half an hour and then played the rest of the afternoon. By 6p he was exhausted and could barely keep his eyes open. We put him down then and it took him a few minutes to fall asleep. He slept all night but we could hear him coughing and sputtering. This morning he seems to be the same, happy but congested. I stuck him in a steamy hot shower to try and clear his throat and we tried saline drops and a bulb syringe for his nose. We'll see if he takes a nap this morning :)
Leaky Mose eating some cheerios
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