Kevin, Moseley, Chambers and I drove up to Knoxville this past weekend. Kevin's Moms sister (Aunt Gerry) lives there with her family (The Littles) , their family (The Evans) and their family (confused yet?) We had a very fun weekend of hanging out at home and going to the Children's Museum in Oak Ridge ,where the Manhattan Project was based.
Moseley and Aunt Gerry (Janice's sister). He insisted she take him to the potty every time, it was so funny!
Vicki (Janice's Niece), Chris (Vicki's Son), Monica (Chris Wife) and baby Cade (Chris and Monica's baby), John (Kevin's brother) and a pantless Moseley (this was a recurring theme)

From Left: Moseley, Janice, Randy, Uncle Dewey, Aunt Gerry, Bill, Vicki, Cade (in carseat) Monica, Chris, Tyler, Courtney, John, me and Chambers (in carseat). Got that?