We had a Dr's appt today and he is 35" tall and weighs 28 pounds! He is tall and a very healthy eater :)
He had two shots and when she was listening to his heart she noticed a rattle in his chest. She whipped out the oxygen saturation machine and it registered low so she had us on the nebulizer for a few minutes. To say that he hates and is scared of that thing is the understatement of the century. He kicks, screams and violently jerks around to get away from the mask. His oxygen was up though due to the fact that a screaming child inhales more.
In the end she was concerned b/c we have been in several times this year and had to do this. She diagnosed him with "sensitive airways" and prescribed TWO inhalers for home use. I am not looking forward to administering (wrestling) meds to him 6 times a day!
Our next post will be all about our fun weekend in the smoky mountains!!

Thanks for your comments on my blog! As I type, Connor's been down in his bed for 25 minutes! Hopefully, we can make it past the 30 minute mark. We'll see! I'm sorry about Moseley's breathing. Yuck. Let me know how the at home treatments go. How's Baby #2 treating you so far?
I can't imagine having to do that with my boys. Good luck!!!
Can you believe these boys are getting so big? It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting in Best Start with you trying to figure out what the heck I was doing!!!
Go Moseley! What a big boy! Good luck with the inhaler. Can't wait to see you!
Yuck! My poor little boy! I know the treatments will be terrible on you, but hopefully it'll make him feel so much better.
I knew that guy was nearing the 30 pound mark! My biceps ached on Friday from carrying him up and down the stairs.
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