I LOVE to read. I bring my momma books to read to me day and night. We rarely leave the house these days without a book. These are my favorite books to read. I can pick them out of the stack and also love to flip through them by myself.
Whose Mouse Are You?I call this book "Mouse." Its about a little mouse who is all alone b/c his family is caught up in some tricky situations. He brings them all home and even gets a new brother. This just so happens to be my Uncle Staples favorite book of all time. When he was little he read this book a ton!
Big Red BarnAlso known as "Barn." This is a story about all kinds of animals and what their day is like living in a barn. At the end the animals go to sleep and I tell them "nigh-nigh." I can point to the "meows," "woowoo's," and the "gee." That's cats, dogs and geese in laymen terms.
Do You Have a Hat?The "Hat" book is great. It is about a bunch of famous people and their hats. "Walt Whitman had a hat, at times a makeshift table mat..." This book actually came free in a box of cheerios. Even more of winner b/c it was free.
Pat the BunnyVictoria gave me this book for Easter and I LOVE it. It has a lot of interactive features. I love to feel "daddy's scratchy face" and then feel my real daddy's scratchy face!
If you have a favorite children's book let me know what it is. I am always on the lookout for new books!