Wednesday, August 12, 2009

8 months old today!

I can't believe my baby is 8 months old. 

Things he does - 
1) Mastered sitting up at 6 months so now he can sit himself up from laying on his tummy. He can also reach over very far to grab things without falling over. 

2) Not crawling. I am so ok with this. He has gotten on his hands a knees several times so he is strong enough but has no desire to be fully mobile. He also skootches around on his tummy in all directions.

3) Holds his own bottle, even though they are few and far between.

4) Does not pay attention when nursing. Even though I will nurse to a year, he just makes it take so long b/c he wants to see what is going on around him. 

5) Eats 1 meal a day (around dinnertime). Usually some cereal and homemade baby food. I made all of Moseley's food and have loved making Chambers as well.

6) Grabs at everything! Necklaces, toys, food. He is fast and very precise. He can grab the pendant off my necklace before i have even finished picking him up. 

7) Eats Puffs and Cheerios off his tray. He is very good at the pincer grip and getting food straight to his mouth. 

There are tons more that I am forgetting but for now I must go nap... 

8) Oh and he talks non-stop. Lots of Mamamama and Dadadadada and blowing raspberries.

Jessica W. Garrison

Sent via BlackBerry device

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