Saturday, May 4th was our 6 year anniversary of being Mr and Mrs. Kevin R. Garrison! Memorial day was our TEN year anniversary of being together. Wow, time flies! It truly in some respects feel like we just got married.
We celebrated the entire weekend. Thankfully, Kevins parents (they are saints!) came in for the weekend to watch the children.
Friday night we went to the Associates Party hosted by Jennifer Johnson and her hubby in Greystone. They have a gorgeous house and so sweetly opened it up for us. Afterwards, we went to the 9;50p showing of Hangover II. It was about how I expected it to be and because we wanted to just enjoy a thoughtless movie, it was great.
Saturday morning we went to Pepper Place to meet up with Jessie Tuggle and her children. Jackson is Chambers age and Johanna is 4 months old. We only took Roe since we were taking full advantage of the babysitters.
Saturday afternoon we went to the Magic City Brewfest. It was fun. I don't drink Beer but it was fun for me to go up and ask for something then hand it over to KRG. We also got to see Kevin's brother John for a little bit and his roomie Steven.
Saturday night we had reservations at Hot-n-Hot. It was wonderful. I had a strawberry Mojito, Salmon with a summer salad (divine), and then a salted caramel cake. Kevin had the sirloin on a potato cake with rapini and gelato for dessert.
But wait, there's more. We went to a surprise party for one of Kevin's friends from law school. It was fun and she was so surprised. After all of that we were pooped. We got home (after a quick stop by Sonic) around 11p and crashed. We didn't get up until after 8am this morning! It was a wonderful Anniversary.
Oh and presents, I gave Kevin a Brooks Brothers leather belt (reverses black to brown) with a custom belt buckle. He also got a
hankerchief from

Only picture we took the whole weekend going through the Sonic drive-thru. Our camera is broken so I blame that!