It's a BOY!!

Little boy #3 has no name :( We just ran out for now! Hopefully we will be able to sit down this weekend and come to a consensus about a name for this little angel. We are so excited and have updated the nursery for this little joy. I will hopefully be able to post some pics in a few weeks.
I get to go back for another ultrasound at 28 weeks to check on some fluid build-up in his kidney. Maybe if I take another disc they will give me some pictures from that U/S as well! I never get tired of seeing my little miracles!
How exciting!! I can talk to u all day about fluid in the kidneys ;) so u brought a disc and they put the pics on it instead of printing them out???
Actually, I got about 7 printed pics plus about 35 on the disc. HiRes and such. They requested I bring a DVD-RW.
Best of both worlds b/c I just love the look and feel of a printed sonogram picture but didn't want to have to scan them all in :)
Congrats! Three little boys...You need to talk to Jeremy's mom! I know you were hoping for a girl, but you will love watching the brother relationship of those three little boys! I'm so excited for you!
Congrats on having another boy! I was so sure it was a girl!
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