During Spring Break I took the boys to Washington, D.C. to visit my very dear friend Sarah. Sarah was my FIRST friend at Auburn. I can honestly say that meeting her was one of the those pinnacle moments in life when God sticks someone in your path and life is forever changed (in a good way, of course). I have seen Sarah about once a year but really haven't spent quality time with her since she got married 4 years ago!
So, I made the decision that enough was enough, we had to go see Sarah. Especially before baby #3 arrives. I booked our flights, then began to panic. How was I going to keep a 1 yr old and 3 yr old happy by myself in an Airport and on a flight?? Luckily, I picked nonstop flights and my children were angels. God was helping me out on the departure and return flight. And there were some very sweet girls who were inclined to entertain.
The first day we got there we went to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. My flight was into BWI so it was really close. Unfortunately they make yu check your strollers so Sarah had to carry Chambers around while I chased Moseley. Sarah's little boy had his first day at MDO that day so he wasn't with us. We quickly realized that was a blessing.
Hunter LOVES to push this train around. Somehow, Moseley conned him into pushing him while he plays with a kitchen timer which we now proudly own :)

Thursday morning we went to the National Zoo in DC. It was so huge that we were there for 2 hours and saw maybe 4 exhibits. Jason had this day off so it was 3 adults and 3 children. We had a great time and although Moseley wanted to be carried at the end, he loved his animal lunchbox that came with his ZooMeal.
Three monkeys checking out the very large turtles...

The orangutans had a rope perch that they could climb across right over the zoo visitors heads. It was very cool for children and adults alike :)

Moseley was obsessed with Hunter and holding his hand to "help guide him."

Sarah's hubby is the Assistant Pastor of Fairfax United Methodist Church and they live in the Parsonage next door to the church. The afternoons (after naps) were spent at the church's preschool playground which was massive and fenced. The boys had a great time and wore themselves out.
Hunter all smiles on the playground with Chambers in the background (probably eating something off the ground).

After this he hung from the top bar and just let go about 5 feet off the ground. He thought it was so fun but it scared the pants off me!

One morning we went to the Air and Space Museum in DC. I realized after we got there that I had gone to the museum when I was younger - 7th grade maybe?
Washington Monument - view on the way in. The Cherry Blossoms were not in bloom yet :(
Family Picture - why am I the only one looking at the camera?

Chambers, Moseley and Hunter
Hunter flying solo
Chambers just hanging out in the stroller.
Moseley testing the plane out.
After the Air and Space Museum we went to Gravelly Point Park to eat lunch. It sits adjacent to Reagan National Airport and the departing planes take off over your head. It was awesome to see the planes close enough to notice the retracting wheels.
Plane taking off over the park

We also saw a car-boat that drove straight into the water from the street. Moseley could NOT believe his eyes. Anyone who has the LeapFrog Fridge Wash & Go knows that a "Car-Boat: It won't go!!"