Moseley, Chambers and I headed to Mobile last Thursday for Mardi Gras. We had a ton planned including parade watching, family bonding, lots of eating and babysitter-taking-over-ing (not. a. word. but. should. be.)
Friday the boys, my momma and Nancy and I took care of business and got some baby/wedding presents out of the way. I don't care how long I have lived in Birmingham (7 years!) I just can't get used to buying gifts anywhere but Claude Moore. I equally enjoy opening the shiny white box with gold lettering (in case you were wondering).
It also started snowing hard in Mobile Friday. Nothing stuck b/c it was so wet from the previous 48 hours of rain but it was still beautiful as it fell.
Friday: Everything was so wet this was all the snow sticking to be had.
Saturday, My momma and I headed to the Castles and Crowns store in Mobile and got a ton of stuff on sale. Everything I purchased was 30%-75% off! Woo hoo!
Saturday: Enjoying a pretty day outside. I was so happy with the Mardi Gras shirts we had made.
Chambers C&C loot.
Carol came to babysit the boys about 4p on Saturday so my momma and I could head downtown to the Coronation. We met Nancy, her parents, grandparents and brother there and sat to watch the ladies being presented to the court. It is hard to believe it has been 7 years since I made my debut and 6 since Nancy made hers. After the Coronation my momma and I attended the King's Supper. The dinner was a fabulous salad, delicious steak and wonderful Tiramisu.
2010 Debutante Coterie (iPhone picture so it isn't clear)
Sunday the boys and I had fun visiting with family. We headed to my grandmom's first then to my daddy's. We had so much fun playing and the day was so gorgeous. We were able to spend a good 2 hours outside.

The valentine's flowers Kevin had sent to Mobile even though we really don't celebrate the day... it was so sweet and we missed him terribly.
On Monday, Carol came back and watched the boys so we could go to the Queen's Luncheon. It was also delicious and beautifully decorated. We came home, took a quick rest and got the boys ready to head back downtown for the IMs parade. It was a great parade and they threw lots of great stuff including Alabama Championship huggers! I caught one for Kevin as a coming home gift :) Mint moonpies are a big deal this year and they are fantastic! They are like gigantic Thin Mints.
Moseley and Nancy enjoying the parade in the Athelstan Stands
"Throw me something mister!!"
My favorite brother...
Moseley with his Uncle Staples and Aunt Nancy
Getting some Aunt Nancy lovin'
1 comment:
I LOVE the photos. What a wonderful time we had! Nice to get back to normal, but hard to face reality!
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