My friend and I go into O'Henry's Coffee some/most Tues and Thurs while our sons are peers at the Bell Center around the corner. We both prefer buying local. Today however, we chose a table in the corner b/c I had Chambers and his stroller. It was the only seat available and just so happened the only one that would get the stroller out of the way.
And here's the kicker...
Halfway through our coffee we were asked to "get up from our table." Apparently, a group comes in on Thursdays at 9a and have reserved that particular table. There was no sign that we could see when we sat down (as if that matters). This is a very busy time of day for OH and it was too cold to sit outside with a baby. Also, the situation was handled horribly. The man (who worked for OH) should have found us another table inside and offered to help us move our coffee and baby or just asked the group to sit outside or wait. Unfortunately for OH, neither of us will be going in again. I have never been kicked out of a table at Starbucks so maybe that is the way to go...

You should call and complain to the manager!
I am Randy Adamy, the owner of O'Henry's. After looking into what happened, she has every right to post this and be angry. We could not have handled her situation in worse manner. It is not our style or philosophy to deal with our guests in such a manner. We have a 16 year history of doing things pretty much right for the community that supports us. In this case I'm afraid we were pretty much just plain wrong.
I am surprised that the party being seated didn't protest that two ladies and a baby were being ousted for their benefit! Is chivalry truly dead?
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