Chambers is four months old. I can't believe it! Here are his stats from his appointment.
Weight: 15 lb 10 oz (60th percentile)
Height 26.5" (90th percentile)
It looks like we have another tall one. Maybe not quite as tall as Moseley though :) He had some shots which was so sad but he was a trooper. No side effects except maybe some sore thighs.
Things Chambers is doing now:
- Grasping things and bringing them to his mouth so he can chew (gnaw) on them
- Batting at objects
- Grabbing his toes
- Laughing hysterically when we change his clothes (he's very ticklish)
- Smiling at everyone he can
- Babbling and cooing
- Rolling over (front to back) and attempting back to front

Wow! Lily weighed 18 lbs at her 12 month. I can't remember her exact height but I think she is shorter than Chambers!
I can't wait to see him show off his new skills :)
I am so happy I got to meet him! I love to hear how ticklish he is- too cute :)
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