1) Went to Fort Morgan for Memorial Day. Kevin was able to join us and it was so much fun. This was our first experience with Fort Morgan and it is awesome. Such a low key and lovely place. Thanks to my momma for inviting us!
2) Hung out with the Wellings for a MONTH! That was awesome. The kiddos forgot for 4 weeks that their favorite girlfriends had moved to Texas.
3) Went to Mobile for a week. Moseley was able to do Art Camp for 2 weeks so when we went to pick him up we just stayed for the week. We got to catch up with friends and family.
4) Lilly Marie turned ONE! What???? I know. We missed her whole first year. Honestly, there was no other way because life with these 4 kiddos is plain nutty (in a wonderful way, of course).
School starts for Moseley next Monday (August 19th). First grade is the big time!! Last week I was really sad about everyone going back to school. This week, God came down into my children's hearts and made them turn into monsters of crazy so that I would be thankful that school was starting. True story.
The younger three start school the following Tuesday (August 27th). I will actually be able to grocery shop alone and get my hair cut on Tuesdays!! I am very excited about that. I will miss these sweet babies but our household might just fall apart if I can't get a few hours a week alone :)